Windows themes,iPhone,Wallpapers,icon

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mac OS X Lion 64-Bit Theme For windows xp

Mac OS X Lion 64-Bit Theme For windows xp

Mac OS X Lion 64-Bit Theme For windows 7 | By MrWhiteEye | 3 MB

Link 1 (Hotfile)
Link 2 (Direct)
[How to install]
1. Go to the CustoPack website: [link]
2. Download and install CustoPack Tools.
3. Double click on Mac OS X Lion> Keep pressing yes, next, ok and stuff like that
4. the dock go here: [link]


Unknown said...

I am MrWhiteEye and I would appreciate it if you took my theme off your website for two reasons.
1. You didn't ask for permissions
2. It isn't for Windows XP, its for Windows 7 64 bit


theKid said...

Nice try dude!

laneyradell said...

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